--xattrs requires protocol 30 or higher error

Kirk Maule kmaule at maulesystems.com
Sat Aug 22 13:49:10 MDT 2009

Good call.  I observed rsyncd 2.6.8 starting up in the /var/log/rsyncd.log.

Should the rsync*.tar.gz install procedure replaced rsyncd 2.6.8 as well as
rsync 2.6.8 with the 3.0.6 version?
Stopped the rscyncd and re-ran the install of the tar.gz but no change.  The
install was done as root.

-----Original Message-----

On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 11:22:40AM +0100, Kirk Maule wrote:
> Both rsync versions are 3.0.6 protocol version 30.

You'll undoubtedly find that there is an older rsync on the $PATH on one of
the machines.  e.g, try this:

ssh hostname rsync --version

Either get rid of the old version, or specify --rsync-path=/path/rsync so
that you get the rsync you expect.


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