itemized option (-ii) with --log-file and --log-file format

Wayne Davison wayned at
Wed Apr 8 15:52:39 GMT 2009

On Wed, Apr 08, 2009 at 07:41:12AM +0530, Jignesh Shah wrote:
> No, I also want to log files that are not transferred.

You can use -vv instead of -ii to get a list of "uptodate" items, but no
mention of attribute changes (non-transferred files are all "uptodate").
In rsync 3.1.0dev you can get that info without all the rest of the
verbosity items it implies by specifying --info=name2.

If that is not what you want, then you need the %i field so that rsync
can output what has changed (or not changed) for the current item.


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