(cw)rsync 3.0.0 incompatible with 2.6.9

Matt McCutchen matt at mattmccutchen.net
Thu Mar 13 02:39:20 GMT 2008

On Wed, 2008-03-12 at 20:57 +0100, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 4:46 PM, Matt McCutchen wrote:
> >  3. Have cwRsync 3.0.0 users pass RSYNC_ICONV=- or --no-iconv .
> That's what has been suggested by Tevfik Karagülle, but it's ugly as
> it cannot be written in a portable way. (One would have to ask for
> rsync version first and then fiddle with options.)

Passing RSYNC_ICONV=- in the environment is portable; it will suppress
cwRsync 3.0.0's default iconv option without upsetting other versions of

> Someone else has suggested me to use
>   rsync --protocol=29
> but I need to test it.

I tested it and it actually doesn't solve the problem.

> >  4. Build your own Cygwin rsync (which will have no iconv setting by
> >  default) and use that instead of cwRsync 3.0.0.
> I don't have the slightest idea how to do that (I have tried to build
> other programs on windows, but hacking make files is not my strength).

No makefile hacking should be necessary.  If you were to build your own
rsync, it should just involve installing Cygwin (including the necessary
compilation tools) using http://www.cygwin.com/setup.exe , downloading
and extracting the source tarball, and running ./configure && make .

> 5. Ask the author of cwRsync to do suggestion number 4 (so that
> cwrsync would not fail on most servers).
> That would be the ideal scenario from what I have heard or learnt in
> this thread. If I build cwrsyc for me only, that wil serve noone
> except me.

Yes, it would be best if Tev changed cwRsync officially, but I think
it's worth knowing how to build your own Cygwin rsync anyway in case you
want to test or use patched versions in the future.


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