Avoid return code 24 (file vanished) with command line option?

Robert Sander ml-it-rsync at epigenomics.com
Wed Jul 21 09:01:43 GMT 2004


Is it possible to avoid this error condition by specifying a command
line option? I haven't found an obvious one in the manual.

Background: We are using rsync for a live backup of our home
directories. Emails are stored in Maildir format within the
homedirectories. The rsync process is running for some time and in the
meantime emails get deleted because users still have IMAP access.

The backup process restarts rsync if it encountered an error condition.
But this error is not a "real" error.

If rsync does not have this option I have to talk to the author of the
live backup system.

It would be handy to have an option like

rsync --ignore-deleted-files Maildir/

that specifies directories under which files can be deleted while rsync

Robert Sander                     Senior Manager Information Systems
Epigenomics AG    Kleine Praesidentenstr. 1    10178 Berlin, Germany
phone:+49-30-24345-330                          fax:+49-30-24345-555
http://www.epigenomics.com             robert.sander at epigenomics.com

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