superlifter design notes and rZync feedback

Wayne Davison wayned at
Thu Jul 18 10:23:01 EST 2002

Martin Pool <mbp at> wrote:
> I've put a cleaned-up version of my design notes up here

I'll start with some feedback on your rzync comments:

Re: rzync's name:  I currently consider the rZync to be a test app to
allow me (and anyone else who wants to fiddle with it) to try out some
ideas in protocol design.  Integrating the ideas from this back into
rsync or into superlifter would be ideal.  If I ever decide to release
my own file transfer utility, I'll name it something useful at that
time (definitely NOT rzync).

Re: rzync's variable-length fields:  Note that my code allows more
variation than just 2 or 4 bytes -- e.g., I size the 8-byte file-size
value to only as many bytes as needed to actually store the length.  I
agree that we should question whether this complexity is needed, but I
don't agree that it is wrong on principal.  There are two areas where
field-sizing is used:  in the directory-info compression (which is very
similar to what rsync does, but with some extra field-sizing thrown in
for good measure), and in the transmission protocol itself:

I still have questions about how best to handle the transfer of
directory info.  I'm thinking that it might be better to remove the
rsync-like downsizing of the data and to use a library like zlib to
remove the huge redundancies in the dir data during its transmission.

In the protocol itself, there are only two variable-size elements that
goes into each message header.  While this increases complexity quite a
bit over a fixed-length message header, it shouldn't be too hard to
automate a test that ensures that the various header combinations
(particularly boundary conditions) encode and decode properly.  I don't
know if this level of message header complexity is actually needed (this
is one of the things that we can use the test app to check out), but if
we decide we want it, I believe we can adequately test it to ensure that
it will not be a sinkhole of latent bugs.

Re: rzync's name cache.  I've revamped it to be a very dependable design
that no longer depends on lock-step synchronization in the expiration of
old items (just in the creation of new items, which is easy to achieve).

Some comments on your registers:

You mention having something like 16 registers to hold names.  I think
you'll find this to be inadequate, but it does depend on exactly how
much you plan to cache names outside of the registers, how much
retransmission of names you consider to be acceptable, and whether you
plan to have a "move mode" where the source file is deleted.

My first test app had no name-cache whatsoever.  It relied on external
commands to drive it, and it sent the source/destination/basis trio of
names from side to side before every step of the file's progress.  While
this was simple, the increased bandwidth necessary to retransmit the
names was not acceptable to me.

If we just register the active items that are currently being sent over
the wire, the name will need to live through the entire sig, delta,
patch, and (optionally) source-side-delete steps.  When the files are
nearly up-to-date, having only 16 of them will, I believe, be overly
restrictive.  Part of the problem is that the buffered data on the
sig-generating side delays the source-side-delete messages quite a bit.
If we had a high-priority delete channel, that would help to alleviate
things, but I think you'll find that having several hundred active names
will be a better lower limit in your design thinking.

Another question is whether names are sent fully-qualified or relative
to some directory.  My protocol caches directory names in the name cache
and allows you to send filenames relative to a cached directory.  Just
having a way to "chdir" each side (even if the chdir is just virtual)
and send names relative to the current directory should help a lot.

An additional source of cached names is in the directory scanning when
doing a recursive transfer.  My protocol has specific commands that
refer to a name index within a specified directory so that the receiving
side can request changed files using a small binary value instead of a
full pathname.

One more area of complexity that you don't mention (and I don't either
in my new-protocol doc):  there are some operations where 2 names need
to be associated with one operation.  This happens when we have both a
destination file and a basis file.  My current cache implementation
allows both of these names to be associated with a single cache element
(though I need to improve this a bit in rzync) and lets the sig/patch
stage snag them both.


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