no output from perl script

Joseph Annino jannino at
Thu Apr 25 09:55:01 EST 2002

I see a lot of good advice has been posted about stuff that is quite good to
know about perl.

A simpler solution though might be the File::Rsync module available on CPAN.
I use it a lot and it works very well.  It will generate the rsync command
line for you, and it can be given a callback which will be called with each
line of rsync's output.  Or you can grab the output as a list after the
command completes.

The only shortfall is it gets output one line at a time, so while --verbose
will work well with it, --progress is less useful because it updates the
percent ticker without moving on to the next line, so your callback won't
see it until that file is done.

Joseph Annino Consulting - Perl, PHP, MySQL, Oracle, etc.
jannino at -

On 4/22/02 7:17 PM, "Robert Silge" <rsilge at> wrote:

> Here is the first Perl script I've tried to write to run rsync. It seems to
> work, but I don't see the progress like I should. I apologize if it's
> sloppy, I should add that it's not only the first perl script I've written
> for rsync, it's the first perl script I've written at all.
> ___________________________
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> print "
> This command will DELETE EVERYTHING in Remote~/Research
> UNLESS it is also found in Local~/Research.
> Do you really wish to do this?
> [N/yes]: ";
> $answer = <STDIN>;
> chomp $answer;
> if ( $answer eq "yes" ) {
>       print "\nOK, here we go.\n";
>       `rsync -auvz --progress --delete -e ssh
> Remote:/home/user/rsync-testing /home/user`
>                       }
> else {
>       print "\nabort mission\n";
>     }
> ____________________________
> Thanks for the help.
> -Rob

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