[clug] Tablet / eReader

Lana Brindley mail at lanabrindley.com
Mon May 4 20:31:27 MDT 2015

On 05/05/15 10:23, jm wrote:
> Thanks. That's a good cross section from the very nice but scarily
> priced Trimble to the unprice and priced android tables. I only got to
> take a quick look at these before dinner last night. I intend to make a
> more though reading later today. The kindle is the option if there's
> nothing else as it has much better battery life, but you can't do much
> else with it than read things (ebooks, web pages, etc) which admittedly
> is 90% of my use case. It would still mean I'd have to carry a second
> device in some case which I'd prefer to avoid. If I end up going this
> route, Lana's suggestion of the eReaders from  Kobo might be better in
> the interests of trying to support openness (Have to read up more before
> really commenting).

I use a Kobo Aura currently (upgraded from my previous Kobo Mini). It's
just an ereader, and has about a month of battery life. My daughter uses
a Kobo Arc, which is an Android tablet, so maybe that's an option for
more tablet functionality, rather than just a reader.

Bit of a Kobo fan, in case you missed it ;)


Lana Brindley

"Quantum mechanics: The dreams stuff is made of."

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