[clug] [OT] Broadband clangers

Robert Edwards bob at cs.anu.edu.au
Mon Aug 16 21:32:10 MDT 2010

On 17/08/10 13:10, Alex Satrapa wrote:
> On 17/08/2010, at 12:53 , Robert Edwards wrote:
>>> Senator Conroy on Hack tomorrow. Send any NBN/filter qns through to hack at abc.net.au #openinternet #ausvotes
>> Why does the ABC insist that the Australian constituency interact
>> with their elected representatives and political leaders through a
>> privately owned and operated, foreign social media site?
> MSN is foreign-owned, as is GMail.
> ABC.net.au is Australian-owned.

Sorry - my bad - I misread the list of options for sending "qns" and,
with "twitter-coloured glasses on", missed the e-mail address as a
part of the twitter "tags" (or whatever they're called). I'll try to
be more careful in future...

> The interaction with elected representatives is being done through the email address, not twitter.
>> (which,
>> apparently (I don't know as I don't use it), now does targetted
>> advertising - something the ABC should be careful not to endorse).
> Most people I know have stand-alone twitter clients. Unless the ads are coming in tweets inserted into the user's tweet stream, I don't see any problem.
>> Doesn't the ABC have enough resources to offer a local Australian
>> alternative?
> The catch is that email is "last decade" stuff for the Youf Of Today (YOT).

I wasn't actually referring to e-mail. I was raising the idea that
maybe the ABC could offer a microblogging service of it's own, similar
to identica or other O/S implementations. Microblogging is not rocket-
science (to paraphrase Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott almost 
simultaneously stating "I am not Bill Gates" in describing their lack
of understanding of broadband - hey look, I can even make this post
almost relevant to the OT...).


Bob Edwards.

> Tell the YOT that we used to have mailing lists for coordinating social events, they won't believe you!
>> I'm uncomfortable about where this is going - clearly others aren't so.
> It's not that the ABC is dictating the means for interacting with Hack is through Twitter, it's the YOT that dictates the way we communicate with them.
> "You want me to subscribe to a mailing list? But that takes, like, ten seconds! And I have to reply to an email!"
> Alex

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