[clug] meeting with Kate [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Roppola, Antti - BRS Antti.Roppola at brs.gov.au
Thu Dec 6 06:28:11 GMT 2007


We *might* use less energy by ditching our old PC and using an
applicance (like one of the Via Epia minis) to connect to a virtualised

Life cycle energy costs can be fiendishly tricky.

I notice a large data centre contract recently went to a supplier
because their new hardware had significantly lower power consumption.



-----Original Message-----
From: linux-bounces+antti.roppola=brs.gov.au at lists.samba.org
[mailto:linux-bounces+antti.roppola=brs.gov.au at lists.samba.org] On
Behalf Of Caroline Le Couteur
Sent: Thursday, 6 December 2007 9:14 AM
To: 'tridge at samba.org'; 'Robert (Bob) Edwards'
Cc: 'CLUG List'
Subject: RE: [clug] meeting with Kate

It is great that you are meeting with Kate Lundy.  I apologize if what I
have to say has been said before at the beginning of the discussion but
I think that the non technical points you could make include:

FOSS software means that all the family can have the same software as
there school student which has got to make computer use easier for
everyone.  We don't want a 'digital divide' at home where the student
has latest MS everything and the rest of the family is on old versions
of MS.

Because most FOSS software is not as demanding as the latest MS software
(Vista) it can run on computers that people already have, and if
computers are purchased then they are likely to be usable for longer.
This is important both economically and environmentally.  If Australia
is to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions the last thing it should be
doing is buying a million new computers.  See
http://update.unu.edu/archive/issue31_5.htm which says "Among those
involved in the UNU study, there is broad agreement that measures to
extend the useful life of existing equipment are the most important
pieces of a proposed framework for the environmental management of
computers in the future."

Caroline Le Couteur
Executive Director
Australian Ethical Investment
Tel: +61 2 6201 1921
Fax: +61 2 6201 1987
Email: clecoute at austethical.com.au

-----Original Message-----
From: linux-bounces+clecoute=austethical.com.au at lists.samba.org
[mailto:linux-bounces+clecoute=austethical.com.au at lists.samba.org] On
Behalf Of tridge at samba.org
Sent: Wednesday, 5 December 2007 5:57 PM
To: Robert (Bob) Edwards
Cc: CLUG List
Subject: [clug] meeting with Kate


I've arranged to meet with Kate Lundy next Thursday at 10am. She didn't
have many open slots so I took what was available. I hope you can make
that time too.

I think the main message we should try to get across is not so much a
push of FOSS for its own sake, but try to answer the question "how can
FOSS help?"

I think we shouldn't aim to demo too much - I suspect we more need time
to discuss with Kate how using FOSS to further the education aims of the
new government could work. For example, I don't think using FOSS should
necessarily be mandated, as that might create a lot of resentment,
instead I'd like to see the federal government providing support to help
make FOSS a choice that is easy to make, and to help point out the
advantages for schools that might choose to use it.

I'll also bring an OLPC laptop along, which might be interesting for
primary school use in parts of Australia (especially outback
locations) given its very robust nature.

Cheers, Tridge

PS: James, I will email Kathryn Moyle as well and see if she is
interested in this
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linux at lists.samba.org

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