[clug] case-insensitive file system

Michael Still mikal at stillhq.com
Wed Jun 16 00:44:56 GMT 2004

Kim Holburn wrote:

> For a particular use I need a case-insensitive file system.  Short of 
> using samba and doing a remount, does anyone know of a way of doing this 
> under linux.  Is there an ext2/3 option to do this?  is there an fs that 
> can do this?

I can't see an option for ext2 in the mount man page. If ext2 doesn't do 
it, then ext3 wont either.

This sounds like a fairly trivial userspace filesystem task, although if 
you have serious performance requirements then that might not be the 
right answer. Are case sensitive clients also going to be using the 
filesystem, or just the case insensitive ones?



Michael Still (mikal at stillhq.com) | "All my life I've had one dream,
http://www.stillhq.com            |  to achieve my many goals"
UTC + 10                          |    -- Homer Simpson

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