[clug] (For Sale): The Tech Support Magic 8-ball

Paul Wayper paulway at mabula.net
Fri Apr 23 00:14:17 GMT 2004

Hi everyone!

A friend of mine in the US has had manufactured a quantity of magic 8-balls 
designed specifically for Tech Support and SysAdmin decisions.  For those 
who haven't seen one of these in action, it's basically like an eight ball 
from pool, with 1000(2) in place of the '8' and a clear section on the 
reverse side.  Inside is a mystical device for answering your technical 
questions - you ask it a question (such as "What should I do with this 
guy's 500MB mail file?"), shake it, and an answer appears in the window 
("/dev/null").  Other answers, sure to be useful in a host of situations, 
include "42", "Reboot", "Caffeine", "Let me call you back", "Plug it in" 
and "Ping".  I think we'll all find it an essential piece of our 
decision-making process in the future.

I'm wanting to see if I can get a bulk shipment - 36 of them is going to 
cost around $450AUD plus shipping, so at a rough guess I'd imagine they're 
going to cost in the $15 - $20 range each.  I can also arrange to send them 
around the country if people are prepared to pay for shipping costs for 
that as well.

Let me know if you're interested by personal email (no need to flood the 
list with replies) and I'll see what I can do.

Sorry for the blatant advertising, but these things look too cool to miss 
out on!

Have fun,


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