newbie networking help

Michael Still mikal at
Wed Jan 8 07:30:37 EST 2003

On Tue, 7 Jan 2003, Ray Foster wrote:

> I have RedHat 7.3 version of Linux and need help to network my Linux box
> to a ethernet Windows network of a few other computers.  Any
> help/advice?

This quetion is a little general, in that the topic being queried is so
large that it is hard to formulate an answer. Are we discussing:
 - cabling technologies?
 - brands of network card?
 - TCP/IP configuration?
 - which dump to find Tokenring hardware in?

I suspect that you're after information about howto have a home LAN. There
are some excellent howtos on the topic -- I recommend you have a quick
look at



Michael Still (mikal at | Stage 1: Steal underpants            | Stage 2: ????
UTC + 11                          | Stage 3: Profit

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