Where can I get Red Hat CDs

James McNeill james at heague.com.au
Mon Sep 23 10:34:55 EST 2002

Victor Markwart wrote:

>On another note, is there a local group trying to get Linux and other open
>source adopted in government? 
None that I know of in canberra

>If so, it could be useful to exchange
>strategies, case studies etc if not, it could be useful to set one up to
>exchange strategies, case studies etc
I couldn't agree more. We've looked into migrating some workstations to 
linux, but  han't had much luck finding an approprate distro. ie. one 
that's not gonna take weeks for me to make useable by  general users (ya 
know, morons). most of the distibutions that claim to be "realy realy 
easy to use and set up" have come with non-free licences, and generally 
have seemed more than just a bit flimzey.

Linux is past the stage where it can integrate seamlessley with other 
systems (thanks Tridge!). If someone were to push for open source in 
government, they'd need a complete solution that would fit in with 
hind-end-users and overworked tech staff. ;-)

SO, full support to open source in gvnm't, 'coz closed source software 
is scary & dangerous!


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