Looking for compiler + gui

Jeremy jepri at webone.com.au
Thu Apr 11 00:49:59 EST 2002

Hey all,

I'm looking for a cross-platform compiler + GUI library.  At this point 
I don't mind which language, or library, with the following constraints:

1	Compiler must be able to produce stand-alone binaries.
2	GUI must be cross platform too, or code must be easily 
adaptable to other libraries
3	Language must not be C, or C like

I haven't been too far afield yet, but I have found:

Eiffel + Fox
Seems to require tinkering with C++ code to get code to compile with 
external libraries.

PerlCC + Tk
PerlCC too unreliable

Free Pascal + Lazarus
Lazarus is currently not working on Windows, according to authors



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