(no subject)

Peter Barker pbarker at barker.dropbear.id.au
Sun Aug 19 10:33:40 EST 2001

On Sun, 19 Aug 2001, Mohan wrote:

> Iam trying to install a dns server on linux redhat 6.2

Start by installing Redhat-7.1. There are too many security issues to
worry about with 6.2.

> i need your help in setting up the dns server and MX records , can any
> one of you please help.

The man-pages are quite adequate.

I will assume you will be using bind, the nameserver which comes with

1. Make sure bind is installed.
2. Set up /etc/named.conf. There is an example in "man named.conf".
3. Set up the file you mentioned in the "file" field of the "zone" entry
in the named.conf
4. The format of the SOA entry you will need at the top of the zone file
can be found in "man named"
5. MX records are also covered in "man named".

The general form is
<priority> MX <nameofmailexchange>

For example,
5 MX firstbackup.my.com
10 MX secondbackup.my.com

> Mohan

Peter Barker                          |   N    _--_|\ /---- Barham, Vic 
Programmer,Sysadmin,Geek              | W + E /     /\                
pbarker at barker.dropbear.id.au         |   S   \_,--?_*<-- Canberra      
You need a bigger hammer.             |             v    [35S, 149E]   
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