[linux-cifs-client] write problem to NAS - cp is fine, rsync fails

Michael Geiger info at mgeiger.de
Sat Feb 21 09:51:59 GMT 2009

Hello, I have a problem writing to a NAS and I hope someone can help me here:

I'm using OpenSUSE 11.1 64bit with a vanilla kernel - the only patch
applied is this one to solve the mount problem I had with this NAS:

The NAS device is a Raidsonic ICY BOX IB-NAS900, latest firmware. The NAS is
mounted with this fstab entry:

//elenas/musik /mnt/ele cifs noauto,credentials=/etc/fstab.cred.ele,
   iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0

Reading files works perfect (except some "CIFS VFS: ignoring corrupt resume
name" showing up), I have mirrored 20 GB using rsync without a problem. But
whenever I'm writing files with rsync I get these errors after some seconds:

Feb 20 15:32:08 box2 kernel:  CIFS VFS: server not responding
Feb 20 15:32:08 box2 kernel:  CIFS VFS: No response for cmd 50 mid 158
Feb 20 15:51:35 box2 kernel:  CIFS VFS: No response to cmd 47 mid 346
Feb 20 15:51:35 box2 kernel:  CIFS VFS: No response for cmd 50 mid 347
Feb 20 15:51:35 box2 kernel:  CIFS VFS: Write2 ret -11, wrote 0
Feb 20 15:51:36 box2 kernel:  CIFS VFS: Write2 ret -5, wrote 0
Feb 20 15:51:37 box2 kernel:  CIFS VFS: Write2 ret -5, wrote 0
Feb 20 15:51:37 box2 kernel:  CIFS VFS: Write2 ret -11, wrote 0
Feb 20 15:51:38 box2 kernel:  CIFS VFS: Write2 ret -5, wrote 0
Feb 20 15:51:38 box2 kernel:  CIFS VFS: Write2 ret -11, wrote 0

But when I copy files with unix cp the files are copied on the NAS, no errors!

Any ideas?


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