[linux-cifs-client] CIFS mounted files are corrupt when passed to apache web clients

Dan Cardin danc at tushaus.com
Mon Nov 19 23:53:30 GMT 2007

Kernel :

Samba: samba-client-3.0.27-0.fc7


Apache: httpd-2.2.6-1.fc7



                Under a previous install (RedHat 9) my customer was
functioning perfectly with apache accessing files that resided in
locations that were in a VFS path on the system.  ( For example:
/webserver/intranet/files was 'SMBFS' mounted to
//windows2003memberserver/share)  Now, we are attempting to upgrade
their system install to include a 2.6 kernel and SMBFS has been replaced
by CIFS.  When the customer attempts to access any binary file thru
Apache the file is either corrupt, or transfers 0 bytes.

                I am at a loss (and have tried hundreds of things and
web searches) to positively identify and resolve this issue.  If you
have suggestions or ideas please post.

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