[linux-cifs-client] smbclient 8 times faster than cifs

Kenneth Porter shiva at sewingwitch.com
Thu Dec 9 12:14:53 GMT 2004

More data. Still using 2.6.9_1.6_FC2 stock Fedora Core 2 kernel. I mounted 
this time like this:

mount //bigiron/BigBackup /mnt/Backup -t cifs -o 

A regular cp still takes a long time, but dd looks good:

time dd if=/home/ken/tmp/DesertCombat_0.7_Full_Install.exe 
of=/mnt/Backup/test bs=65536
9460+1 records in
9460+1 records out

real    1m3.014s
user    0m0.079s
sys     0m12.475s

Alas, dump with 1 MByte transfers requested is still only getting 530 kB/s. 
So it looks like it's back in dump's court.

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